Monday, 21 December 2015

The man who sold the world

I was first introduced with this particular name 'Kurt Donald Cobain' by 'Rupam Islam' in one of his books.Actually I didn't have any information about this man till that time,but eventually I came across with one of his songs named 'where did you sleep last night'.This was a folk song actually which tells about a incident about a man who finds that his wife has been cheating on him . He goes out into the cold night and killed in an accident.I think Kurt did an exact rendition for this song,the emotion,the angst everything was perfect in Kurt's raw and edgy voice.This was one of the reasons which hooked me so much.Afterwards I was introduced with "Smells like teen spirit" and this song completely blew me away,from every aspect.I find bliss in this song,whenever I start to listen to this.The energy was so raw that made me to find more about Kurt Cobain and his band 'Nirvana'
                                                          So I'm not going to write another biography on 'Kurt Cobain' because those who are aware of his music,should know something about his life and all.Here I'm going to discuss why we need that inspiration from Kurt Cobain and how he affects us or rather how he inspires us in our own life.
Sometimes we need someone like Kurt Cobain who can help us to think who we really are.He was not only a musician,he was much more.He chose music only to escape from several things,even that helped him to create something which are applicable in our time also.We think our life is a beautiful example of our human race but that's not true it's the most unpredictable,uncertain,unrealistic example of our human race for that sometimes we think that death is far better than living in a hell.Seriously life is a hell,you can't deny this.I always think that we are not the normal people,the normal are those who doesn't has a so called 'normal mind' and we normal people call them 'abnormal' or 'mentally retarded'.They don't have to think about life actually they give a shit that's why I think they are living a simple and normal life without the hassle of everyday's fake drama.Everyone is faking,what we are seeing is just the upper portion of everyone so we can't see the real human emotion and there is no other way than believing them.Somehow I feel everyone is wearing a mask so that makes, what we are seeing is not real.Do you know what's better for our society?We should not emerged ourselves in the limitless sea of emotion,yes emotion is needed but not for this fucking society ,actually the sad part is we can't neglect this as we all have a mind to think,which can order us to do something , this is how we help our feelings to grow further.Kurt has no feelings at all for this jealous world,he used to think that our life fucks us all,that's why we don't die like a virgin.He was pissed off about everything.The most depressed part is that in his childhood he was so charming,he had no reason to feel depressed but somehow after a certain time he could not get the chance to feel the love from her mother.His parents thought that it would better to be separated so they divorced.Kurt was ashamed of this,he was not ready for this divorce,he always wanted a normal family so he began searching for the love which he couldn't get from his mother as he started to live with his father. Kurt's father married a woman in spite of promising that he would not marry again,this hurts Kurt even more.Kurt became more lonely,he couldn't share his feelings with anyone.Everyone seemed to be very busy with themselves even Kurt's father also.This negligence is the reason behind Kurt's rebellious attitude.He was so thin and even he had a friend who was a gay,only for these two reason people teased Kurt.They teased Kurt with the fact that,'a friend of a gay is also a gay',fucking assholes, so I guess I was right by tagging normal people as 'mentally retarded'. Kurt became more lonely.From his childhood he had a immense interest in music.He got a guitar as a present from his uncle.He started singing and writing songs.He was a genius actually,ha had a interest in drawing and much more.
He was from Seattle ,the place of underground band movement.In his teen-age ,he started taking drugs,marijuana.You all are thinking that I'm going to tell about that how Nirvana was formed,then that will become another boring way for presenting this writing."Nirvana" this name came from Buddhism,it means 'freedom from pain, suffering and the external world'.
His stage act was destructive,I think when Kurt used to play guitar on stage ,he could see his enemy ,he could see the negligence from her mother in his guitar,so that's why he used to break his guitar while performing.Actually when a songwriter,writes some stuffs somehow he manages to freeze that particular moment,now when he performs it then he goes back to his past and becomes free from all his present world,exactly this thing happened with Kurt ,every time when he started to sing a song on a stage.He used to loose all his present control.He could see his troubled childhood,probably he could visit it.
Many people suffers from many problem as I have mentioned earlier that we are living in a hell but they can still find the solution for their problem.It was astonishing to see the comments in the video of "Nirvana" in you tube,where many people thanked Kurt Cobain for saving their lives.Kurt Cobain saved,inspired many depressed,frustrated people.This is why 'the actual inventor of grunge movement' is a legend.Someone who can inspire people ,who can save people from the last stage of 'self destruction',is a God,definitely he is a God.
That's why I think the body which became still because of the effect of shotgun,surely had the marks of two nails ,on his two palms.

Thursday, 3 December 2015

God and Religion

মানুষ সবসময় আইডিয়ালিসম এর খোঁজ করে ,আদেও আইডিয়ালিসম বলে কিছু হয় না। ধর্ম তৈরি হয়েছিল মানুষের সভ্যতাকে আরও এগিয়ে নিয়ে যাওয়ার জন্য,মানুষে মানুষে বিভেদ তৈরির জন্য নয়।
God ,this name has a value only when we need something for our own purpose ,so it's definitely clear that this term was created only to fulfill our dream in a way which can satisfy our minds for a short period of time.Sometimes when we loose something,when we feel depressed ( & there are more when(s)), then we need someone who can heal those things, like any inspirational characters.At ancient times people used to worship every natural things like Sun,fire etc,they thought that these things are the reasons behind their creation, by the way they used to worship fire because they feared it.Then a time came when we learned that we can think,we can feel,we can react for something good or bad,we can fall in love.This can be called as "Emotion" now some people thought we might need someone who can control those emotions ,someone who has no connection with reality,some imaginary persons,someone who looks exactly like us,someone who has never ever existed  on earth,actually it creates another term religion ,which was started with the birth of Jesus Christ,Gautam Buddha and Hazrat Muhammad.
Actually the root of every religions lie on the fact that how we can make our life beautiful,how we can make our life meaningful.The fact is that we should not use the term religion as because when we are using it we are creating a purpose ,a purpose which will divide our society more.Actually religions are just a set of beliefs and beautiful advises for whole mankind.When Jesus Christ gave us some of his beautiful advises and thoughts then obviously he didn't say you have make it a 'religion' in future, yes he has followers even every inspirational people has many followers with so many different philosophical views but none of them are making another religion with those thoughts,it was made only to make a business.Those followers of Jesus Christ thought it would be great if we can make more followers and that's how it was started.Jesus,Buddha would have never created their new thoughts if they could see the future.
Now if someone believes on God then I should say God is one,that is the whole mankind.God lives among us try to find out that.

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Conspiracy theory and how it affects our lives

I was introduced with this particular thing in a very strange manner ,strange in the sense that I was actually searching about something else then suddenly I came across this matter and obviously it blew me away.I found that across the globe there are many people who deals with this conspiracy theories.They have some weird thoughts about everything but we don't know that whether these thoughts are really true or not but a immense interest grew in my thought process for this conspiracy theory so I started searching various things related with this topic and what I found? Here it goes
First of all I should give a short introduction about this matter what is conspiracy theory?It's a hypothesis against govt. or govt. funded organization even against any person or a community,the hypothesis mainly tells about the fact that those organization is doing something secret planning without giving any kinds of hints or signs and which is illegal or can be harmful for the humanity.
I'm giving now some of the conspiracy theories which already happened or is happening.
1. 9/11 was Planned by the US Government
    It was one of the most controversial conspiracy theories in recent times.Many people thinks that George.W.Bush was fully aware of the attack but he didn't do anything to stop those terrorists why? because at that time America was planning to increase their power in the middle east ,now he knew that the whole world would protest against them so that's why he allowed it to get the sympathy of the whole world and to create the distraction.There are other reasons also which gave America more power.
2.Assassination of John.F.Kennedy
The assassination of John F. Kennedy, the thirty-fifth President of the United States, took place on Friday, November 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas, USA at 12:30 p.m. CST (18:30 UTC).There are lot of conspiracy theories were generated on the above mentioned topic. Most current theories say that there is a criminal conspiracy involving parties as varied as the CIA, the Mafia, sitting Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson, Cuban President Fidel Castro, the KGB, or some combination of those entities. Some conspiracy theories claim that the United States government covered up crucial information after the various consequences of the assassination.
3.Global Warming is a Fraud
This is something which is again very interesting.It tells that actually this global warming is not happening right now and it never happened,it was invented to stop the world wide violence and to create a brotherhood.Though it was not only the cause .This hoax was actually created to exercise political influence,to create a single world govt. which can control the people in the name of the global warming.
4.Apollo moon landing hoax
It tells that the whole Apollo moon landing operation was faked by NASA.The astronauts did not land on the moon ,the land of the moon was actually created by the NASA.Some people (experts in photography) even examined the pictures and said that there could be chance that these pictures are taken in a way which led us to believe that those astronauts actually landed on the moon.NASA completely disagreed with those facts.
5.Jesus Christ was a human being
Now this is the most interesting amongst the others.It states that Jesus christ was actually a human being but people made him demigod.Jesus Christ was just a man with some extraordinary kind of the thoughts which can inspire the people.Even there was a claim Jesus Christ married a woman named Mary Magdalene and they had a daughter named Saint Sarah.The whole christian community suppressed this whole thing.This is principally because they fear the power of the sacred feminine, which they have demonized as Satanic.The secret society named Priority Of Sion was ordered to protect this secret at that time.
Again there are lots of conspiracy theories including the death of Netaji,the death of Princess Diana and many more now if I have started this then this writing would never be stopped.This will live with us till the last day of human civilization,it is happening only because we can not trust other people in this 21st century.Everything is happening for someone's own benefit.
It's affecting our life greatly in a indirect way.In this century the world economic condition mainly depends upon the economic condition of America moreover the whole world is indirectly dependent on the America and we don't even know what they are doing with their money and all the intelligence agencies.Many people are saying that the terrorists groups are created indirectly by the American govt. and even they are not trying to destroy those terrorist organizations because by creating chaos in the middle east they can hold the control over those countries as those countries are enriched by Natural gases,which is the backbone of today's economy.